Khatera Ali, Gründerin und Designerin von Khatera Accessoires, arbeitet gerade an dem Aufbau ihrer sozialen Produktion mit Frauen in Afghanistan und geflüchteten Frauen in Hamburg. Khatera Accessoires ist ein nachhaltiges Accessoire-Label aus Hamburg mit eigenem Online-Shop unter , das nicht nur fair, sondern auch sozial produziert “ vom ersten bis zum letzten Schritt der Herstellung. Ziel soll eine eigene Produktionsstätte des Labels in Afghanistan sein, wo professionelle oder auszubildende Frauen ohne Perspektive beschäftigt werden. Einen weiteren Standort plant die Gründerin Khatera Ali für Frauen in Hamburg, die als Geflüchtete nach Deutschland kamen und das Handwerk bereits in ihrer afghanischen Heimat erlernt haben. Khatera Accessoires produziert fair und sozial In Hamburg sind 10 afghanische Frauen bereits sehr interessiert und es...
If you have the desire to make a certain thing appear in your life, you can do the following exercise and then try the meditation for attaining wealth and abundance. The first requirement in order to manifest something is to be clear about what you want to achieve. Next, write in ink the act or thing you want to put into action in your life. In this way the proposal is anchored both in the etheric realm and in the earthly world. Let it rest for 24 hours. In doing so, you are giving the energy the opportunity to swarm into space and develop enough penetrative power to attract the Law of Realization in your favor. After 24 hours burn...
The disruption of our energy field by our habitual defense system creates more illness and pain in our lives than any other cause. This avoidance attitude creates dysfunctions in our field, which then lead to illness in the body. Our inveterate defenses show up in the energy field as an energetic defense system, and we take refuge again and again. It is directly related to our mask self. The more we manage to hold down pain and anger with our immune system, the more we hold back positive feelings. We get dull. Life is not going as we expected. It gets superficial and boring. Eros dies. We are trapped in habitual vicious circles and unable to bring to life what...
The main difference between the higher self, the lower self and the mask lies in their respective intentions and in their quality of energy that is expressed in interactions and is the result of the underlying intention. What makes a lot of human interactions so confusing is that they differ depending on the intention behind them. Our utterances can emanate from any of the three centers of intention. From the higher self, the lower self or the mask. Words can mean something different from what they say. The higher self is serious when it says, 'We are friends. We are friends as long as I am, as long as I am the good one, and you must never question the...
You can surely remember a negative act that gave you pleasure. Every movement of energy, be it positive or negative, is pleasurable, simply because it releases pent-up energy. The beginning of the energy movement can be painful, but it will always be followed by pleasure, because with the discharge of the pain, the creative power is also set free, and that is always pleasurable. Negative pleasure originates in our lower selves. Our lowest selves is the part of us that has forgotten who we are. It is the part of our psyche that believes in a separate, negative world and acts accordingly. The negative self does not deny negativity, it enjoys it. It seeks negative pleasure. Since the lower self,...