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Kleine Mädchen mit Träumen, werden zu Frauen mit Visionen

Ich war ein kleines Mädchen, dass damals schon wusste, dass sie Designerin werden möchte. Das war mein großer Traum. Meine sensible Seite hatte ich damals schon. Erste Anzeichen damals schon für mein soziales Projekt True Healing heute.  Jeder, der mich damals kannte, hat meine Kreativität damals schon gesehen. Ich habe alle Kleidungsstücke umgeändert und meine eigenen, individuellen Looks erstellt. Ich saß stundenlang in der Zentralbücherei und habe die Lebensläufe aller großen Designer mit der hand abgeschrieben, weil ich wissen wollte, wie sie es gemacht haben. Ich habe diese Ordner bis heute. Wenn irgendwo Fashion TV lief, dann konnte man mich abschreiben. Ich war nur noch auf den Fernseher fixiert. Ich kannte alle Labels in und auswendig. Ich wollte mich auch...

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Creative visualization

If you have the desire to make a certain thing appear in your life, you can do the following exercise and then try the meditation for attaining wealth and abundance. The first requirement in order to manifest something is to be clear about what you want to achieve. Next, write in ink the act or thing you want to put into action in your life. In this way the proposal is anchored both in the etheric realm and in the earthly world. Let it rest for 24 hours. In doing so, you are giving the energy the opportunity to swarm into space and develop enough penetrative power to attract the Law of Realization in your favor. After 24 hours burn...

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The higher self

Of course, our entire psyche is not separated from the core during the maturation process. Part of us is clear and loving with no internal struggle. It is directly connected to our individual divinity within. It is a connection with great creative power. This part of us, the higher self, enables all the good that happens in our life. It hasn't forgotten who we are. Whenever you experience peace, joy, fulfillment in your life, then the higher self has expressed itself through the creative principle. If you're wondering what is meant when talking about the 'true self' or 'being who you really are', consider this moment in your life. You are an expression of your true self. Never see the...

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The light in you

We are all beings of light and carry light within us. Let us use the light in us. I do it every morning and center myself. That means I lead bright light through my body and connect with a ray of light with the mother earth and above the head with the universe. It increases my energy enormously and so I become an energy channel. Light has an ordering power. Every light frequency arranges certain structures. We can understand matter as the order structures of light. All matter - whether in our body or outside of us (even the ones on our bank account) consists of order structures from light energy and information. Trust as well as benevolence, trustworthiness, appreciation,...

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