Defense against or repression of the original wound creates more pain

The more the action, which arises from our core being, is distorted by the mask, the more we have to justify it by reproaching the other. The more we deny the existence of our lower selves, the more we disempower ourselves. Repression blocks our inner creative source. This creates a growing vicious circle of pain and helplessness. The bigger this vicious circle becomes, the bigger our original wound appears to us. In the imagination with imagined suffering it becomes of such great intensity that the unconscious fear of it grows more and more and we do everything to protect ourselves from the experience of this original pain. In our imagination this turns into torture and annihilation. The more we shield...

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The importance of intentions

The main difference between the higher self, the lower self and the mask lies in their respective intentions and in their quality of energy that is expressed in interactions and is the result of the underlying intention. What makes a lot of human interactions so confusing is that they differ depending on the intention behind them. Our utterances can emanate from any of the three centers of intention. From the higher self, the lower self or the mask. Words can mean something different from what they say. The higher self is serious when it says, 'We are friends. We are friends as long as I am, as long as I am the good one, and you must never question the...

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The higher self

Of course, our entire psyche is not separated from the core during the maturation process. Part of us is clear and loving with no internal struggle. It is directly connected to our individual divinity within. It is a connection with great creative power. This part of us, the higher self, enables all the good that happens in our life. It hasn't forgotten who we are. Whenever you experience peace, joy, fulfillment in your life, then the higher self has expressed itself through the creative principle. If you're wondering what is meant when talking about the 'true self' or 'being who you really are', consider this moment in your life. You are an expression of your true self. Never see the...

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Negative lust and the low self

You can surely remember a negative act that gave you pleasure. Every movement of energy, be it positive or negative, is pleasurable, simply because it releases pent-up energy. The beginning of the energy movement can be painful, but it will always be followed by pleasure, because with the discharge of the pain, the creative power is also set free, and that is always pleasurable. Negative pleasure originates in our lower selves. Our lowest selves is the part of us that has forgotten who we are. It is the part of our psyche that believes in a separate, negative world and acts accordingly. The negative self does not deny negativity, it enjoys it. It seeks negative pleasure. Since the lower self,...

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The creation of the mask itself to mask our original pain

When we are born, we are still in close contact with great spiritual wisdom and power through our core being. This connection with our core and thus with spiritual wisdom and power gives us the feeling of complete security and we perceive the world in amazement. During the maturation process this connection becomes weaker and weaker. It is replaced by the voices of parents who want to protect us and give us security. They speak of right and wrong, good and bad, tell us how to make decisions and how to act or react in a given situation. While the connection to the core of being is weakening, the child's psyche tries desperately to replace its originally innate wisdom with...

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